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Children Base Parents Grandparents Great grandparents Great-great grandparents
Ane M. Eriksen
Ane K. Eriksen
#01 E. P. Eriksen
#03b Ane K. Kristensen
(1870 - 1960)
#06 C. Eriksen
(1816 - 1883)
#12 E. O. Krogh
(1777 - 1864)
Not published
Not published
Not published
Not published
Not published
Not published
#13 B. M. Christiansdatter
(1790 - 1848)
#26 C. Nielsen
#52 N. Christiansen
#53 B. Christiansdatter
#27 L. Michelsdatter
Not published
Not published
#07 Ane Pedersdatter
(1824 - 1919)
#14 P. Hansen
(1792 - 1867)
#28 H. Hansen
(1753 - 1843)
#56 H. Jørgensen
Not published
#29 M. Mortensdatter
(1758 - 1819)
#58 M. Knudsen
#59 J. Zachariasdatter
#15 M. Sørensdatter
(1796 - 1872)
#30 S. Pedersen
Not published
#61 K. Pedersdatter
#31 A. Jørgensdatter
Not published
Not published

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