The functionality of will be reduced due to maintenance until March 25th 2023.

Children Base Parents Grandparents Great grandparents Great-great grandparents
Kristen Jensen
Allaug Guttormsdtr
(1640 - 1704)
Guttorm Brynildsen
(1614 - 1676)
Brynild Kristoffersen
Christoffer Mæbø
Allaug Håvardsdtr
Håvor Mæbø
Gro Guttormsdtr
Guttorm Åmundsen
Torbjørg Halvorsdtr
Åse Nilsdtr
Nils Kristensen
(1600 - 1642)
Christen H. Ellefsen
(1570 - 1642)
Eilev Arnulvsen
_____ Christoffersdtr
Eline Olufsdtr
(1570 - 1656)
Oluf Sørensen
Gunhild Bergulfsdtr
Åse Gulaugsdtr
(1600 - 1672)
Gulaug Olsen
(1570 - 1657)
Oluf Gulaugsen
N Anstensdtr
Marthe Ånonsdtr
Ånon Jonsen
Todne Torkelsdtr

Click the person you wish to select as the new base. is a product by Holmen Innovative Solutions. All rights reserved - 2007.