The functionality of will be reduced due to maintenance until March 25th 2023.

Children Base Parents Grandparents Great grandparents Great-great grandparents
Kirstina Willumsdatter
Ole Willumsen
Karen M. Willumsdatter
Marthe Villemsdatter
Tollak Villemsen
Marthe Villemsdatter
Gabriel Villemsen
Anne G. E. Villemsdatter
Karen M. Willumsdatter
Ole Willumsen
Willum Willumsen
Willum Olsen
(1737 - 1815)
Not published
Willum Andersen
Anders Willumsen
(1630 - 1695)
Not published
Not published
Not published
Not published
Signe Olsdatter
Ole Torsen
Tore Tallaksen
Mette Atlaksdatter
Atlak Markussen
Marthe Tollaksdatter
Tollak Olsen
Marte Gunnulfsdatter
Gunnulf Gunnulfsen
Gunnulf Tosteinsen
Marta Goudsdatter
Bergitte Tjøstelsdatter
Not published
Not published

Click the person you wish to select as the new base. is a product by Holmen Innovative Solutions. All rights reserved - 2007.