The functionality of will be reduced due to maintenance until March 25th 2023.

Children Base Parents Grandparents Great grandparents Great-great grandparents
Not published
Not published
Enok Dalebråten
Agnes O. dalebråten
(1909 - 1992)
Not published
Emma A. Syverinsdt
(1887 - 1970)
Syverin Johansen
(1852 - 1928)
Johan E. Storsveen
(1814 - 1891)
Erich E. Saxlund-eie
Marthe Johansdt.
Olia Olsdt.Hersjøen
(1821 - 1891)
Ole O. S. Hersjøen
Kjersti Jensdt.Ramset-Eie
Anne K. O. johansen
(1858 - 1934)
Not published
Tolline Nilsdt.

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